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Lambert is a fellow at Eyebeam, which describes itself as an art and technology center offering a common working environment for artists and technologists to pursue digital experimentation. Some of its work, including some awesome art on a city-sized canvas, may be seen in this video.

Thanks to Ideafestival

Contribution Marketing

Contribution Marketing is the activity of focusing on creating intrinsic ‘product’ value with the purpose to contribute to individuals, groups and this planet. The coming years competitive advantage is created purely by right brain activities: creativity, intuition, communication and a holistic view of the world. This blog is about releasing the strength of the right side brain within businesses. It shows ways to create new value in an emotional driven world. This blog has the ambition to support companies to reach their true potential.

Companies applying Contribution Marketing see themselves as a part of society(instead of isolated closed entities) with a clear definition of their role on how to contribute to this society. These companies are not primarily focussed on growth, more profit or marketshare increase. These companies are focussed on creating TRUE(e.g. not aspirational) value to a group and extract sufficient value to be able to keep facilitating their selected group of people.

“Self Actualization is the intrinsic growth of what is already in the organism, or more accurately, of what the organism is.”


RSS Lifestream (Jaiku)

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RSS Webpages worth saving

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My photos
