Really great example of how Consumer Empowerism works and how mobile can influence the process in our daily life to change the world..

Greenpeace Japan has recently launched an anti-GMO (genetically-modified organisms) campaign, aimed at informing and empowering consumers to support GMO-free products and put pressure on the food industry to provide more choice and better labelling of GMO content in foods. Greenpeace has a handy printed guide to GMO-free shopping that consumers can carry with them and look up items while they are shopping, and this guide is also available to be browsed on the Greenpeace Japan website. Food items are rated with a green face (good), yellow face, (not so good), and a red face (bad) based on the presence of GMOs. (They also have the cutest campaign logo I’ve seen in years)
The GMO-free shopping guide is also browsable on mobile web, which creates the opportunity for a shopper to check food products on the fly, while walking up and down the grocery store aisles.

And here’s where it gets really cool … Not only can shoppers see whether an individual product merits a green, yellow or red face, they can also read background information about the source company that produces that item and in particular, their customer feedback telephone number (I’m sure you can see where this is going). Many Japanese mobile browsers are configured to automatically identify and hot-link phone numbers on webpages – so it’s just a one-button click to ring the company and leave them a phone message about just why their product is not being purchased today.

Thanks to All About Mobile Life